Doctor partner program

What is a Doctor Partner?

Our Eyegen Doctor Partner Program (DPP) enables eyecare providers to make better informed decisions about treating their patients' AMD. Our DPP allows doctors to recommend and provide information about AMD genetic testing within their practice websites as well as digital marketing platforms.

Join our program today

There are two ways eyecare professionals can encourage their AMD patients to take advantage of our genetic testing kits.

In-office testing

For those whose practice dynamics allow them to administer lab tests and oversee results in the office, our lab ArcticDx offers both Vita Risk and Macula Risk tests.


Off-premise patient testing

Other practices that have remote patient bases or logistics that prevent their patients from visiting the office may wish to take advantage of having Eyegen tests delivered directly to one's residence.

You only need to recommend your patients to order Eyegen test kits on this website with provided special eyecare provider discount code. When an order is placed a notification and a professional assessment fee is then sent to the doctor.

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